
Posts Tagged ‘Tech’

“Slow, Rainy Days” from Cynthia Booker

In Assistantship, Cynthia Booker on June 19, 2013 at 1:17 PM

Slow, rainy days. That is what the past few days have been for me. Since we’ve opened up the Elizabethan shows and we don’t load in for Liquid Plain until this weekend, our week in the sound department has been pretty simple. I guess it’s a nice little break before things get crazy again. I’m itching to do more again. I don’t do well with idle time. I can’t read enough or watch enough. I can’t walk through the park enough. I guess I’m just a boring person in my down time. It could be worse though. 🙂

This rain drives you to curling up with a book, which makes this weather well planned until Saturday. On Saturday is when things really pick up with our Liquid Plain load-in. We need to install speakers with their cables in the dock and drop shot-gun microphones from the ceiling. It will be my first chance at OSF to do some wiring, which makes me excited! When I arrived in mid-May they had already set up everything for tech in the Elizabethan, so I didn’t really get a chance to immerse myself in that engineering process. I can’t wait! But I should enjoy this little gift of relaxation while I can. I’m going to open my window and let the melody of the rain lull me into a relaxed state.

Cynthia Booker