
Posts Tagged ‘Saturday Night Live’

What Not to Wear from Regina Morones

In Audience Development, Internship, Regina Morones on June 27, 2013 at 11:15 AM

Regina Morones 6.27This week, I had a great time exploring the OSF Costume Rental Shop with Evelyn Carr and Michael Leon from the hair and wig department. We were given a tour of their vast array of costumes and accessories. They have costumes that range from Roman to modern as well as an extensive selection of Medieval and Renaissance period costumes. These costumes are highly sought after by theatre companies and film studios throughout the US. Recently, various costumes from OSF’s Costume Rentals were featured in Game of Desks, a Game of Thrones spoof on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Saturday Night Live also uses costumes from the rental shop for many of their sketches. I was excited to learn that OSF costumes have been worn by many celebrities.

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To my surprise, after our tour we were invited to try on any costume we liked! Each one of us picked out the most elaborate costume we could find and accessorized with an elaborate headdress of our choice. It was so much fun to not only try on a costume but also take on the personality that each costume brought out in us. These elaborate costumes definitely brought out our silly, playful and royal sensibilities. If you want to get an up-close look of the amazing artistry that goes into costumes for the festival, I recommend visiting Emily at the OSF Costume Rentals Shop.