
Archive for June, 2013|Monthly archive page

What Not to Wear from Regina Morones

In Audience Development, Internship, Regina Morones on June 27, 2013 at 11:15 AM

Regina Morones 6.27This week, I had a great time exploring the OSF Costume Rental Shop with Evelyn Carr and Michael Leon from the hair and wig department. We were given a tour of their vast array of costumes and accessories. They have costumes that range from Roman to modern as well as an extensive selection of Medieval and Renaissance period costumes. These costumes are highly sought after by theatre companies and film studios throughout the US. Recently, various costumes from OSF’s Costume Rentals were featured in Game of Desks, a Game of Thrones spoof on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Saturday Night Live also uses costumes from the rental shop for many of their sketches. I was excited to learn that OSF costumes have been worn by many celebrities.

Regina Morones 6.27b

To my surprise, after our tour we were invited to try on any costume we liked! Each one of us picked out the most elaborate costume we could find and accessorized with an elaborate headdress of our choice. It was so much fun to not only try on a costume but also take on the personality that each costume brought out in us. These elaborate costumes definitely brought out our silly, playful and royal sensibilities. If you want to get an up-close look of the amazing artistry that goes into costumes for the festival, I recommend visiting Emily at the OSF Costume Rentals Shop.

Green Task Force Preparation from Shaun Franks

In Green Task Froce, Internship, Shaun Franks on June 26, 2013 at 3:58 PM

Shaun Franks 6.26.13

This week I met with Katie Gomez about what to cover at the next Green Task Force meeting. We talked about the various projects were beginning to work on including the OSF timeline for sustainable practices. I found it interesting that the first mention of anything sustainability related began in 1986, the year I was born, with the executive director bringing up recycling. OSF has come a long way from just recycling but it would be great to document all that has been implemented.

The Green Task Force will meet tomorrow and we will be discussing the mission, the long-range plan, as well as a climate change survey that will be administered to the staff and volunteers. The email has traditionally went out only to people who have declared themselves as part of the green task force but this time I’m going to send an email to everyone so that the entire company can be aware of the meeting and what is currently being discussed.

I’m really looking forward to seeing with what the group comes up with; I think it’s critical for everyone on the green task force to feel like they have contributed to the process. The future of environmental responsibility at OSF will be a critical discussion because the budget for 2014 is currently being prepared and the next long-range plan is not far behind.

Last night was my three-year anniversary, my wife and I attended the Heart of Robin Hood, it was great to celebrate our special day at OSF.

Audience Development from Frank Guzman

In Assistantship, Audience Development, Frank Guzman on June 26, 2013 at 10:30 AM

Frank Guzman 6.26

In my own experience, the rhetoric about Latinos often centers on negative stories concerning institutionalized racism, the need for better education and more opportunities. At OSF, the discussion about internal, company diversity is ongoing but my work within the Audience Development department has a decidedly positive spin to it. The work that we do is intended to show new audiences of color the value of the plays that OSF puts on. It doesn’t end there; we at Audience Development also contribute to scholarship funds for people of color and we are dedicated sponsors of community events with a cultural focus. The difference that I appreciate is the sense that we are not fighting a losing battle. Yes, we are facing an interesting challenge by marketing to groups that are not historically proven supporters of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival but by doing so we are embracing the need to change the perception of American communities. Oregon is not homogenous and as demographics continue to shift the need for a more diverse marketing strategy will persist. OSF productions offer a community building block, a shared point of interest for people with wildly different backgrounds, and I am happy that I get to be a part of the team that makes that possible.

Opening Weekend from Shaun Franks

In Green Task Froce, Internship, Shaun Franks on June 19, 2013 at 3:20 PM

I’ve had some amazing experiences this past week, OSF connects people from all walks of life and I’ve had the opportunity to meet a lot of these amazing people. I’m very surprised by how many people are in interested in sustainability. I’ve already had many conversations where I introduce myself as the green task force intern and people immediately begin telling me what they’ve done in their departments or ideas they have to improve them.

It’s very clear that I need to meet with Sharifa and begin discussing next steps. I’ve already begun working with Alison Carey on a climate change survey from Yale that can be distributed throughout OSF staff, interns, and volunteers. I think we should be ready to get the survey out as soon as the green task force meets again. I’d also like to see the Green Show utilized as a place to showcase OSF’s value of environmental responsibility. I’ll also be working with Katie Gomez on getting the agenda prepared for the next green task force meeting as well as establishing a more accessible time and place for all company members.

I’d really like to schedule a meeting with Cynthia Rider a Bill Rauch in order to see what direction they’d like to see the green task force take. A “grass-roots” approach to environmental responsibility is vital to implementing change within an organization but without “grass top” support it’s harder to incorporate.

Shaun Franks

“Back in Tech” from Cynthia Booker

In Assistantship, Cynthia Booker, Sound on June 19, 2013 at 1:18 PM

Back in Tech! I’m so excited to be back in this mode! It’s a new production and a new space for me to be working in. I feel like I’m adapting to the Thomas Theatre space quicker than I adapted to the Elizabethan. I’m not sure if that is because I’m familiar with the OSF sound department now or if I’m more used to spaces such as the Thomas. Either way I am definitely walking into this tech more comfortable than the last three.

We’ve had an exciting past couple of days! There are two giant important abstract scenes that are repeatedly being reworked for the best. Due to the rep system, we can’t be flexible enough to execute the original thoughts on these scene, so the director, playwright, and design team have been brainstorming other ways to illustrate the same ideas, while cooperating with the systems already in place for current running productions. At this point in tech I think they have come up with a brilliant compromise that enhances the scenes more. I’m excited to see the rest of the play and the collaboration in progress! I definitely feel privileged to see these artist think, create, and recreate. I feel like other occupations don’t allow you to become as vulnerable as theatre does. It is a true gift to be a part of.

“Slow, Rainy Days” from Cynthia Booker

In Assistantship, Cynthia Booker on June 19, 2013 at 1:17 PM

Slow, rainy days. That is what the past few days have been for me. Since we’ve opened up the Elizabethan shows and we don’t load in for Liquid Plain until this weekend, our week in the sound department has been pretty simple. I guess it’s a nice little break before things get crazy again. I’m itching to do more again. I don’t do well with idle time. I can’t read enough or watch enough. I can’t walk through the park enough. I guess I’m just a boring person in my down time. It could be worse though. 🙂

This rain drives you to curling up with a book, which makes this weather well planned until Saturday. On Saturday is when things really pick up with our Liquid Plain load-in. We need to install speakers with their cables in the dock and drop shot-gun microphones from the ceiling. It will be my first chance at OSF to do some wiring, which makes me excited! When I arrived in mid-May they had already set up everything for tech in the Elizabethan, so I didn’t really get a chance to immerse myself in that engineering process. I can’t wait! But I should enjoy this little gift of relaxation while I can. I’m going to open my window and let the melody of the rain lull me into a relaxed state.

Cynthia Booker

It Started witn a Bang! from Regina Morones

In Audience Development, Internship, Regina Morones on June 19, 2013 at 11:22 AM

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My first day as a FAIR intern kicked off at the weekly FAIR Forum. It kind of felt like the first day at school—a mixture of excitement and anticipation to meet other fellow participants. I had a great time getting to know everyone over a delicious breakfast spread of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, biscuits and even chocolate cake! I found out later that this is not the usual weekly FAIR Forum. It was a special FAIR Forum to say goodbye to several of the directing fellows and interns that were leaving in the next couple of days.

Although it was great meeting them, I wish I had more time to hang out and get to know them better before they leave. Overall, the highlight of the day for me was meeting Carmen Morgan, OSF’s diversity and inclusion consultant, who talked to the group about her work with OSF building internal diversity and inclusive capacity as well as the many obstacles faced by people of color in the theatre industry. This really hit home for me because as a women of color pursuing acting in theatre as a career I have faced racism on many different levels. In order for change to happen we have to be comfortable being uncomfortable and initiate these conversations that expose the racial inequalities and biases prevalent among the theatre community.