
Archive for May, 2016|Monthly archive page

“Happy Birthday” from NaTasha Thompson

In Assistantship, Directing, Uncategorized on May 29, 2016 at 9:43 PM

thumbnail_20160523_211621Once again stepping away from the land of Oz, the highlight of my week came in the form of a birthday dinner party. It’s always great when you can take a break from work and actually enjoy the people that are working with you. Though we see each other nearly every day, in different capacities the birthday dinner for Christopher (Wiz Dance Captain) and Cherelle (Wig/ Hair Supervisor) was a treat. Gathering a few members of the Wiz team and a few others, I got a chance to enjoy many of OSF’s talented employees that evening. While the food was spectacular, the love in the room was just as filling. From passing plates in the hall way to dessert and a game of heads up in the living room, the dinner certainly reminded me of a night in my home with friends and loved ones. I don’t know if the picture for this week does the evening justice but it certainly was an awesome event.