
Posts Tagged ‘human rights’

“Faith in Texas” from Cynthia Booker

In Assistantship, Cynthia Booker on July 3, 2013 at 1:28 PM

I have less than a month left in Ashland. Although, many complain and have legitimate concerns about this hot weather, it makes me happy. This warm humid air is home to me. It reminds me of Texas. Texas has been receiving a bunch of bad publicity recently. I’ve heard many people passing that were hating on Texas. My home. Just because there are a handful of highly publicized bad seeds/actions doesn’t mean that all Texans are awful closed-minded fools. As a state that can be separated into 5 different climate zones; is considered a part of the southwest, Midwest, and South; and is one of the few states in the United States that has a white minority and one of the most complex diversity systems in the southern US region: I feel offended that people can try to even stereotype all Texans into one giant lump.

Take Wendy Davis for example. People are pointing at that event and try to showcase how awful Texans are, but what they are not pointing out is the fact that a Texan outside of the republican WASP standard was fighting for her fellow Texan women. There are Texans who deeply care about basic human rights. All this negative publicity and uproar in my home state makes me ashamed at the same time as proud. How can I be proud? I’m proud because in every case (whether people view it as positive or negative) Texans are showcased by fighting for the community they believe in. If you want to stereotype Texans, please stereotype them as an active people: people who care about their community and will do more than speculate or dismiss the world around them. Without conflict, there is no progress. I’m hoping to see much progress within the Texas government as these debates/conflicts further/reveal. Please don’t think that this is approval for people actions that are generated by hate or bigotry (which is found in every single government around the globe – not just the state of Texas), but rather an acknowledgement of people fighting for what they believe in. Cynthia Booker 7.3