
Posts Tagged ‘Environment’

Authority, Power and Influence from Shaun Franks

In Green Task Froce, Internship, Shaun Franks on July 24, 2013 at 4:23 PM

Last week’s FAIR forum was very inspirational. The overall message was about more than just our experience here at OSF; it was about life. Where do we feel we have authority? Where do we feel we have power? Where do we feel we have influence? Although we were asked in the context of OSF, after debriefing I felt like we were really being taught that all of these concepts originate within ourselves.

I met with Alison Carey last week and we discussed the climate change survey that will be going out to the company. I’m really excited about it even though it is a fairly long survey. Who knows the impact of asking questions about the climate? This survey has the potential of going nationwide though TCG (theatre talk I don’t really know because I have no idea what the acronym stands for). Depending on the results of the survey, TCG might begin administering it throughout theaters across the country.

The past month at OSF I’ve been doing a lot of research on the Green Task Force and the sustainable practices within the company. I’ve only begin to scratch the surface and plan to continue my education through a more active approach. Yesterday, after the administration meeting, I scheduled time to meet with multiple individuals both internal and external to the organization to begin conversations on what they believe should be worked on.

Today, I met with Alison Carey, and multiple professionals across the country including TCG to discuss the creation of an Eco-theatre journal. I’m really excited about the future of theatre and hope to see it become greener as time goes on.